SPECTRUM+JENA Survey on the Future of Scientific Computing

Provide your input by September 15 2024

SPECTRUM  and the JENA Computing Initiative are conducting a survey to gather insights on current best practice and expected future evolutions in the domain of large scale / data intensive scientific computing.

The survey is directed at researchers, managers of scientific initiatives and infrastructure managers, either on individual or institutional bases. 

Purpose of the Survey: Our goal is to collect from the community insights on current best practice and expected future evolutions in the domain of large scale / data intensive scientific computing. This is important also for you, if you want to inform policy makers and funders about the needs from science and infrastructures and push in the direction of future interoperability.

Who Should Participate: The SPECTRUM project aims to the High Energy Physics and Radio Astronomy Communities, while JENA gathers initiatives from High Energy, Astro and Nuclear Physics. On top of that, both are interested in collecting views and plans from infrastructures which can have an important role in providing the needed IT resources. Finally, we are happy to consider similar views from other data intensive scientific domains. 

Given that the survey is organized in Sections, many submissions are possible for the same initiative (for example, one submission from a Data Management expert, and one from a Software expert).

How Your Participation Helps: Your participation will contribute to the preparation of a large and detailed view of the scientific computing landscape for the current and future generation of scientific / data intensive sciences in Europe. It will help SPECTRUM to prepare and deliver a Strategic Research, Innovation and Deployment Agenda (SRIDA) and a Technical Blueprint for a European compute and data continuum. It will also help JENA to prepare whitepapers to be presented at the next JENA Symposium in 2025, which will then help shape inputs to the next European Particle Physics Strategy Update.

Survey Details:

  • How To Fill in / Estimated Time: The survey is divided into sections, which are “active” only if you are available to answer about specific details. So depending on your area(s) of expertise, the survey can take from ~15 minutes to more than a full hour, also depending on the prompt availability of information on your initiative.
  • Confidentiality: As explained in the survey itself, we will not distribute raw survey results, but only digested results with no reference to the submitters.
  • Deadline: We aim to start the analysis of results by September the 15th.

We greatly appreciate your time and insights. We welcome your help to spread this message to your relevant contacts so as to increase the visibility of this opportunity.

Thank you for your valuable contribution to this important research.


SPECTRUM is a project funded by Horizon Europe (https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101131550), and is conducting a study to design a computing strategy for data-intensive sciences. Among other goals, it aims to deliver a Strategic Research, Innovation and Deployment Agenda (SRIDA) and a Technical Blueprint for a European compute and data continuum.  As part of the activities, a Community of Practice (https://www.spectrumproject.eu/spectrumcop) has been created in order to serve as a discussion forum across the domains to identify common directions for the design and operations of future systems, agreed processing models and solutions, and to provide feedback on investment to funding agencies and policy makers. Research institutes and e-Infrastructures are members of SPECTRUM. By the way: the community of Practice participation is open! Please subscribe to it via the web link in this footnote.

The JENA Initiative is a joint activity by ECFA, NuPECC and APPEC, communities which need to plan on a European level for large and diverse infrastructures to support the relevant science domains: High Energy,  Astroparticle, and Nuclear Physics. JENA recently launched a Computing initiative, organized via 6 Working  Groups, in order to prepare a White Paper for the current / next generation of initiatives.