Updated 18/07/2024

The Future of Scientific Computing: your input needed!

Fill in the SPECTRUM/JENA Survey on the Future of Scientific Computing by September 30 2024

SPECTRUM  and the JENA Computing Initiative are conducting a survey to understand current best practices and future needs in large-scale and data-intensive scientific computing.

The survey is directed at researchers, managers of scientific initiatives and infrastructure managers, either on individual or institutional bases. 

Why your input matters:

Your participation will help shape the future of scientific computing in Europe. This survey will directly inform policy makers and funders about the needs of the scientific community, ensuring resources are allocated effectively.

Who should participate:

  • Individual researchers in High Energy Physics, Astroparticle Physics, Nuclear Physics, Radio Astronomy or similar fields
  • Representatives of initiatives in High Energy Physics, Astroparticle Physics, Nuclear Physics, Radio Astronomy or similar fields
  • Representatives of infrastructures like Grid, HPC, Cloud, or Quantum Computing centers

How you can help:

  • By sharing your expertise through the survey, you’ll contribute to a comprehensive view of the current scientific computing landscape. 
  • By forwarding this message to your relevant contacts, you will contribute to increasing visibility of this opportunity.

This will help SPECTRUM develop a strategic roadmap and JENA prepare white papers for the 2025 JENA symposium, which will influence the next European Particle Physics Strategy Update.

About the survey:

  • The survey is divided into sections, so you onlyneed to answer questions relevant to your expertise. It may take 15 minutes to an hour to complete.
  • Your responses will remain confidential. We will only share summarized results.
  • Deadline for responses: September 30th 2024.
  • We aim to begin analyzing the results by September 30th.

Please, take the time to complete this important survey and share it with your colleagues. Your insights are invaluable!